But I missed it …

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ad, ameedarji, Positivity, Peace, Happiness, ButIMissedIt, PositiveChange, Kindness, Opportunity, SeizeIt, Kindness, Wisdom, HelpforHappiness, Help, SmallStory, TrueStory

Today morning I was on my way for a walk. At a turning place I saw four dogs were running towards a direction. All four of them stopped under a tree and were looking up for something. When I got little bit closer I heard noise of kittens crying from that tree. 

Such snooping circumstances stopped my legs and before I can do anything else, those two kittens fell down from the tree! Those four dogs were all set to attack and that scene made me terrified. Instead of getting forward to help those kittens, unconsciously I took two steps backwards. 

But by the grace of God, unexpectedly, a boy with a little ponytail came forward and he bravely made all four dogs ran away from that place. He also made sure that the scared kittens got back to a safe place behind the wall of a building. And by that time, I was just standing still! Of course, later on I got relaxed about the kittens and it made me smile (Thanks to that boy with a ponytail).

The very next moment I wanted to appreciate the act of that boy. But when I moved forward towards him, he was gone on his scooter towards the other direction. And I could just whisper “Well done Boy!”

But I missed it... Today I missed two opportunities - one is to save those kittens and the other one is to appreciate the good deed of that boy with a ponytail. I guess, it happens certain times in our lives where we later on realize and regret the missed opportunities. And we think we should have acted or expressed in a different way. And may be, that is the reason I’m writing this blog - to amend today’s scene (to thank that boy with a ponytail in the other way).

I guess, God always bless us with the situations where we can share our mindful helping hand with the kindness; which ends with the happiness. But not all of us are brave enough to seize the opportunity. And not even wise enough to encourage such bravery by a word of appreciation at the same moment. 

I wish, God bless us with the courage and wisdom to act consciously so we don't regret our unconscious two steps backwards - which ends us saying - "But I missed it ... " ad

Thank you so much Dear Reader, for spending your valuable time. Please share this post to your connections and be a part of Positive Change. Keep Reading ...

Your Friend Always ...
Amee Darji


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